Membrane Process
Development Made Easier
R&D Service
Flow simulation
Experimental investigation
Measurement equipment
Electrodialysis lab modules
Components and tools
Test benches
Lab Test Cells
Test Benches
Field of
Electromembrane Processes:
ED, EDBM, EDI, CDI, KTL, etc. -
Filtration: MF, UF
Membrane Distillation
Solution-diffusion membranes
Acquisition of a technology start-up
Patent licensing
Diversification into new business field
Resolution of manufacturing issues
Field of Expertise
The core of our vast expertise lays in electrochemical processes using ion-exchange membranes, like electrodialysis, electrochemical reactors, KTL, etc.
Through considerable practical experience this expertise is extended to other fluid treatment membrane processes, like microfiltration, humidification, membrane distillation and others.
Related technology or product development projects for our customers are
performed highly competently and timely.

Electromembrane Processes use migration of ions through ion-exchange materials.
From large variety of existing processes here most typical examples are summarized.

Electrodialysis removes ionic substances from one liquid (diluate) and transfers them into another one (concentrate), by moving cations (Me+) and anions (A-) selectively through corresponding cation-exchange membranes (CM) and anion-exchange membranes (AM) in the applied electric field. One unit consists of a CM, a diluate compartment (DC), an AM and a concentrate compartment (CC). In a plate-and-frame configuration a stack of the multiple repeating units is clamped between two electrode end-plates. The electrodes are not directly participating the main desalination/concentration process and are normally rinsed with a separate solution.
Besides brackish water desalination, ED is applied in multiple other cases, e.g. in waste water treatment, food & beverage, chemical or pharmaceutical industry.
A reverse ED, producing electricity using the energy of mixing salty and fresh water is currently investigated in lab and pilot studies.
Whether you are interesting to test ED for your application, or would like to select suitable components, or get your own ED, Ertel IonStream will be happy using our vast expertise to help you.

Electrodialysis with Bipolar Membranes (ED-BM)
uses electrochemically enhanced dissociation of water in the bipolar membrane (BM) to change composition of the electrolyte, e.g. producing acid and base from its salt in the three-compartment unit, as shown in the picture.
Industry uses ED-BM e.g. for production of specific acids and bases, chemical-free inline pH-adjustment and in the lithium battery recycling.
ED-BM can be used as neutralization flow battery, using electricity to produce acid and alkali while charging, then using the chemical energy of their neutralization to generate current. This and some other applications of ED-BM are currently in development.
Do you need a support for your own development, would like to get a stack, or perform an experimental evaluation in our lab?

Electrodeionization (EDI)
combines the advantages of ED and ion-exchange for continuous chemical-free production of pure and ultrapure water. Recycling of expensive trace elements from waste water is another application of EDI, which is currently under development.
Mixed bed ion-exchange resin in the diluate compartment, as shown in the picture, or completely separated beds of anion- and cation-exchanger? Which membranes, resins and size of the compartments? Let us know the target of your R&D project and we'd suggest you an EDI-configuration.
Membrane Electrolysis uses electrochemical reactions on the electrodes to generate chemicals, while a membrane is separating the cathode and the anode compartments.
While some electrolysers like one for production of chlorine and alkali from sodium chloride, or PEM for generation of hydrogen from water are industrialized already for decades, there are many emerging electrolysis applications.
Ertel IonStream works intensely on development of new electrolyser designs for reduction of CO2 to formic acid and for alkaline water electrolysis.
We also design and build customer specific flow through reactors for organic electrosynthesis.
Please take a contact with us and let us know how could we help you.

Capacitive Deionization (CDI) uses electrosorption on the electrodes to remove and hold the salt ions from feed stream during desalination step, followed be shunt, or polarity reversal for discharge of the ions into a concentrate stream. The ion-exchange membranes increase efficiency of the process. Normally carbon materials with very high specific surface area are used. Recently a CDI-version with recirculated flow of a slurry with carbon particles is in focus of several research groups.
Other Membrane Processes
In spite of large variaty in membranes and applications, often very similar components and design principles are used in different membrane devices. We've got expertise in the material selection, component manufacturing, membrane module and system development using flat-sheet, hollow fibre, capillary or tubular membranes.
Do you like to select an optimized spacer between flat-sheet membranes, improve potting quality of the hollow fibres, or develop a completely new membrane module for new product? Ertel IonStream will be happy to assist you in your project.